
Sl-ow Do-wn

Okay. So I've tried really hard to understand this. I've seen a billion other "Slow" signs and none of them had problems with fitting the word on the sign so that the "sl" and the "ow" are together. Is there a strategic purpose behind this design or is this just the result of poor planning? Peeeerhaps the breaking apart of the word causes you to do a double take and actually read the sign. And when you read it, you are forced to read it slowly which then tricks you into driving slower....Hmmm, curious. Maybe the designer has a psychology background.

Correction: Well, if this is just poor planning, then I'd say put a little more effort into it next time. But if it's the latter, then I have no place to correct ingeniousness. 


Eware of the Lizzard. Uy Some Read and Milk.

The weather channel was having some technical difficulties one day. Someone must have popped all the "B"s off of all their keyboards. Sorry Block Islanders. No one likes to see their name misspelled. 

Aside from misrepresenting towns, this technical difficulty has caused more serious issues:
I apologize for unrecognizable-ness of this photo, but the screen was moving and a 1.3 megapixel phone camera is not the greatest. But anyway, it reads "Lizzard Warning." You know, kinda like the locus warning a while back, except with scaly, crawling, eyeball-licking reptiles. In the road, in trees, on your windshield, in your mailbox, etc...People are going to be very confused and unprepared when they expect a lizard infestation and wind up with a foot of snow.

Correction: Time to call the techie!